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Ways to Support Our Nonprofit in 2022

Nonprofit organizations play a huge part in impacting your local community, and supporting the ones you care about is a great way to give back. At the Cherokee County Educational Foundation, we're all about supporting our students and staff of the CCSD, promoting teaching, learning, and celebrating their achievements.

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Our Fall Classics Are Back!

We are excited to announce that CCEF's fall classics are returning in October! That's right, CCEF will be hosting their annual Golf Classic, along with a great new addition, the Tennis and Pickleball Classic. These two amazing events play a big part in funding our Rapid Grant and Impact Grant programs here at the Cherokee County Educational Foundation, and we are looking forward to a great day of competition!

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Back to School with CCEF

Going back to school is always a busy time for everyone in Cherokee County. Whether you're still tracking down couple school supplies, working to get your classroom ready, or just readjusting to the hustle-and-bustle routine, we know this time of year can get a little hectic.

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Start the School Year Off Right

Starting off another school year often comes with some amount of stress. No matter how prepared we can be, the unexpected always comes up – from last minute schedule changes, to printer jams, to tracking down those last few supplies.

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2021-2022 in Review

We hope your Summer has been full of relaxation, fun memories, and so much more. The school year has ended, graduation commenced, and with the summer break nearing its end, we wanted to take a look back on another great year with CCEF.

Throughout the school year our incredible Cherokee County students, teachers, faculty, and staff all worked together to put another great school in the books. Let's take a look back at this past school year as we anticipate another great year to come!

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Are You Ready for the 9th Annual Moo’ve It 5K?

With the 2022-2023 school year coming right around the corner, that also means that another Chick-Fil-A Moo've It 5K is upon us! This year's race will be the 9th annual 5K, happening on August 13th, 2022, and we are so excited to see everyone there and in person again this year.

Over the years, the Moo've It 5K has donated over $200,000 to the Cherokee County Education Foundation and the Cherokee County Special Olympics, making things such as the Impact Grants and Rapid Grants possible for our wonderful teachers and staff all over Cherokee County.

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More 2022 Impact Grant Recipients

JimElde_20220614-142835_1 Jim Elder of Mill Creek Middle School receiving his 2022 Impact Grant

Each year Impact Grants help teachers in Cherokee County by awarding up to $2,500 per classroom for those who are selected. In the past, Impact Grant recipients have been able to fund innovative projects in their classrooms and provide needed supplies for their students. We are very excited to continue highlighting some of the amazing things being done by this year's grant recipients, Angela Topper and Jim Elder

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2022 Classroom Impact Grant Recipients

AdrianneFagan Adrienne Fagan of Woodstock Highschool receiving her 2022 Impact Grant.

Each year Impact Grants help teachers in Cherokee County by awarding up to $2,500 per classroom for those who are selected. In the past, Impact Grant recipients have been able to fund innovative projects in their classrooms and provide needed supplies for their students. We are very excited to highlight some of the amazing things being done by this year's grant recipients, Jennifer Campbell and Adrienne Fagan.

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2022 Alumni of the Year

Cherokee County not only has some of the best schools in the state, but we also are fortunate enough to have some awesome alumni that tirelessly give back to their community. Every year we take a moment to acknowledge some that go above and beyond, and this year two stood out. We are so excited to congratulate Misti Martin and Judge Tony Baker as the 2022 Cherokee County Alumni of the Year.

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Declutter Your Classroom

The end of the year is here! Now is the time to get your room ready for those summer deep-cleans and also prep for next year, or maybe you're retiring and now you have years of supplies collected. It's the perfect time to go through your class supplies and clean out those items that maybe haven't been used in a while (even though we know you might use them next year 😉). Here are some ideas of what to do with any unwanted items. 

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What is STEAM Curriculum?

Cherokee County Educational Foundation's dedication to funding different programs and initiatives in the Cherokee County School District spans across many different programs, ideas, and functions. A huge part of our mission is our promise of transparency in what we fund with your donations and how your support sends ripples across the community.

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Tips for Teachers: Sneaking Mindfulness Into Your Busy Day

More than likely, we have all experienced that "running around like a chicken with our head cut off" feeling on more than one occasion. If you are a teacher, that feeling is one we are certain you know all too well. Especially this time of year, with Spring break just behind us and Summertime looming on the horizon, students and teachers alike can start to feel more restless than usual.

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Spring Cleaning in the Classroom: Tips for a Fresh Start

For most of us, the turn of the season means it's time to declutter our homes. We donate the clothes that don't fit, put away our winter decorations, and start taking inventory on what we really need in our houses. But, what about your classroom?

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It's Time to Celebrate: The 2022 Celebration of Education Gala

Gala Invite

It's that time of year again! That's right. The Celebration of Education Gala is back and better than ever! We are so thrilled to be back together this year for our Gala, and we look forward to seeing all of your bright and smiling faces on March 12th.  

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The Truth About Recognizing Accomplishments in the Classroom

It's human nature to doubt our work, our accomplishments, and even ourselves at times. Whether you're 10 years old or 45 years old, we all appreciate a "good job", a high five, or a simple "thank you" when we feel as though we've accomplished something. In fact, this might energize us to chase that feeling over and over again!

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Gifted Kid Burnout Syndrome: Tips for Productive Encouragement

Gifted Kid Burnout Syndrome is a term that was coined on social media in the last few years. It quickly rose in popularity in early 2021 on TikTok, sparking conversations all over the world about its legitimacy, the causes, and what it all really means. So, what exactly is "Gifted Kid Burnout"? Why should we take the time to handle the concept with kindness, compassion, and understanding?

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A Year-End Recap: Moving On to 2022!

Can you believe 2022 is already here? The last couple of years have been some of the most challenging, enlightening, and efficacious for our wonderful community. We are extraordinarily honored to represent the fundraising arm of the Cherokee County School District; the teachers, parents, students, and staff have continuously showed resiliency that will remain a source of inspiration for years to come!
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How to Achieve Holiday Inclusion in the Classroom

"We are all different, which is great because we are all unique. Without diversity, life would be very boring." - Catherine Pulsifer

The beautiful thing about our students growing up and going to school is the people they will meet, the lives they will touch, and the positive impact they will have on each other. For many of us, the holiday season offers warm and fuzzy memories from when we were younger. For students, this time of year brings more sweet treats, joyful moods, winter breaks, and who could forget the gift exchanges!

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DIY Gifts That Won’t Break the Bank

What's a better way to show somebody you care than by making them a gift they will cherish forever? It's easy to get caught up in the gift giving aspect this time of year. So many of us are concerned about the latest trends, how to get ahold of something everybody else wants, and how to top last year's gifts. Or maybe you're worried about how you're going to afford gifts for everybody you love this year. Either way, one thing is for certain: gift giving does not have to break the bank in order to be special. 

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10 Easy Ways to Thank Our Teachers

"Showing gratitude is one of the simplest yet most powerful things humans can do for each other." – Randy Pausch

November is here! This month holds many different meanings for many different people. But first and foremost, it is the month of thanks. "Thanks" is defined as the exclamation or expression of gratitude to another person. And while the word has been around since the mid-13th century, the way we express it is ever-changing

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