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CCEF Annual Celebration of Education Gala

By.  Lisa-Marie Haygood

Who doesn't love the chance to get dressed up and have a fun night out on the town while benefiting a great cause? The Cherokee County Educational Foundation will be hosting their Annual Celebration of Education Gala on Saturday night, March 7th presented by Northside Hospital Cherokee Bluffs Conference Center.

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Alumni of the Year Award Nominations

There are so many people in our community who are deserving to be recognized for their outstanding contributions both within Cherokee County and beyond. While we can think of many people that would be a perfect fit for the Alumni of the Year award, we want to hear from you. We want you to nominate someone you think is deserving of this honor! After we evaluate the nominations, we will recognize the selected alumna and alumnus at this year's Celebration of Education Gala!

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Time for T-Shirts

There's always room for more t-shirts! Especially if they're comfortable and support a good cause. In 2019 we launched our 8th annual T-Shirt Fundraising Campaign, and our supporters have been buying them left and right. We have some more, and we want to make sure we get one in your hands! 

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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Legacy in Education

Mahatma Gandhi. Florence Nightingale. William Shakespeare. Albert Einstein. Michelangelo. Jane Austen. Mother Teresa. These are all men and women who came into this world and left it better than they found it through art, philosophy, science, math, and a passion for others. Among these influencers is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 

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Get Ready for the Gala!

It's time to get excited! We're less than two months away from the 2020 Celebration of Education Gala, and we can't wait to see you there.

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How to Make Your Grant Application Stand Out

We're just a few days away from the deadline for CCEF Impact grants. In case you need some help pulling your grant together – here are some pointers on how to make your grant application stand out! 

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Giving Tuesday - A Reason to Give

The Cherokee County Educational Foundation relies solely on the generosity of donors to sponsor initiatives that will help make the Cherokee County School District be at its best. We ask for donations year-round, but the heart of Giving Tuesday aligns with the reason CCEF asks for donations – to help make the world a better place. Giving Tuesday is a movement that focuses on generosity not just regionally or nationally – but on a global level. This movement strongly believes that together, we can bring some light to a world that can sometimes seem dark. As humans, we crave connection and community, and this community is created through small and large acts of kindness and generosity.

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Thank you to our Donors

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and we want to take this opportunity to thank those that contribute to the Foundation. Donors are an important part of the program here at the Cherokee County Educational Foundation. Without them, we would not be able to make an impact on the Cherokee County School District. From Teacher of the Year programs to school-based projects targeting at-risk students, we are determined to make Cherokee County a hub for public education. However, this can't be done overnight, and certainly can't be done without the generosity of our donors. But, why do they do it? Read below to see three reasons people give.
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$50,000 Chick-fil-A Donation Will Benefit the CCEF and Cherokee County Special Olympics

All six Chick-fil-A locations across Cherokee County banded together to hold their Annual Chick-fil-A"Moove It" 5K road race at the Etowah River Park. The event drew more than 1,500 registered runners and supporters, and is the largest event of its kind in Cherokee County as well as North Georgia. 

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2019 Cherokee County Educational Foundation Golf Classic

Happy Fall, Cherokee County!

We finally have some fall weather, and what better way to enjoy the crisp air than participating in the 6th annual CCEF Golf Classic benefiting the students and staff of the Cherokee County School District on October 14th at BridgeMill Athletic Club. Don't miss the chance to show off your golf game, all for a good cause. 

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On the Road with CCEF Contest Winners Announced

By: Lisa-Marie Haygood 

Each summer, supporters of Cherokee County Educational Foundation (CCEF) are encouraged to travel with their CCEF t-shirts and capture photos near and far. They submit their travel pictures to the On the Road with CCEF contest, and the person who travels the greatest distance is awarded a $300 gift card. A drawing is held for an additional $100 gift card from all other entries. 

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2019-2020 T-Shirt Campaign

 The Cherokee County Educational Foundation (CCEF) is launching its 8th Annual T-Shirt Fundraising Campaign! The 501©(3) non-profit organization, supports both students and staff of the Cherokee County School District by promoting teaching, learning and celebrating achievements. CCEF seeks funding and resources to enrich Cherokee County Schools in areas not fully funded in the regular school program. 

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CCEF President and Northside Hospital CEO Receives Superintendent’s 2019 Game Changer Award

Superintendent Dr. Brian Hightower surprised Billy Hayes with his Superintendent's 2019 Game Changer Award for Instructional Advocacy during the monthly board meeting of the Cherokee County Educational Foundation where the Northside CEO serves as board president. Enter heading here...
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Cherokee County Schools Night with the Hawks

Cherokee County Schools Night with the Hawks

ATL Hawks vs. MIA Heat | Thursday, February 20th | @ 7:30pm

Join us for Cherokee County Schools Night at State Farm Arena! Each ticket includes $10 worth of food and beverage credit! The first fifty people (ages 6+) to purchase a ticket through this offer will get to take part in one of our exclusive fan experiences. A portion from each ticket purchased through the link below will benefit the Cherokee County Educational Foundation. Tickets can be purchased through the provided link or attached flier.
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2019 CCEF Golf Classic Continued

 We're so excited to see all the photos coming in from our 2019 CCEF Golf Classic event last week! Check out the gallery below to see some more pictures. 

These photos will be posted on our Facebook page as well. Feel free to tag yourself and any other familiar faces!

If you haven't checked out the photos from our first post, click here.

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2019 CCEF Golf Classic

What an amazing day of good weather and great golfers to benefit the students and staff of Cherokee County.  Thank you to our sponsors, players, and volunteers.  Every public school in Cherokee County will benefit from this incredible outing.  Check out the gallery of photos from today's successful event.

To view more photos from the event, click here.

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Woodstock Student Wins CCEF's T-shirt Design Contest

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Woodstock High School junior Tucker Jones is the winner of the Cherokee County Educational Foundation’s first-ever T-shirt design contest.

The Foundation invited all Cherokee County School District students in Grades 6-12 to submit a design for the organization’s 2015 T-shirt that represents CCEF and the theme of “For the Love of Education.”

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Kia Supports CCSD

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The winners of the Cherokee County Educational Foundation’s second annual “On the Road with CCEF” Contest for Cherokee County School District employees spread the message of supporting public education both near and far!

For the first time, the contest included two prizes… one for the CCSD employee who wore a CCEF 2015 T-shirt to the destination the farthest from Cherokee County during summer break, and one who was selected from a random drawing of all entries.

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A Gala to Remember

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 Judge Marion T. Pope Jr.

The Cherokee County Educational Foundation (CCEF) is now accepting nominations for its second annual Alumni of the Year Awards.

The Foundation, which is dedicated to raising awareness and funds for the Cherokee County School District, presented the first-ever Alumni of the Year Awards at its inaugural “Celebration of Education” Gala in March.

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Alumni Of The Year Award Nomination

Recognizing Outstanding CCSD Graduates
Nomination Deadline:
  January 11, 2016
Download Registration Form

The Cherokee County Educational Foundation is dedicated to celebrating the successes of the Cherokee County School District and encouraging community support. The Alumni of the Year Award annually will honor at least one CCSD high school alumnus and one alumna each year for outstanding professional and civic contributions. The Awards will be presented at the CCEF “Celebration of Education” Gala on March 12; honorees will be notified in advance, and each honoree plus one guest will be guests of CCEF at the event.

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