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Back to School Tips for a Successful Year

The start of a new school year is an exciting time filled with opportunities for growth, learning and self-discovery. As students and teachers prepare to return to school it's important to plan for a successful academic journey ahead. Whether you're starting at a new school or teaching a new class let's provide you with some tips to make the most out of the coming year!

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Rapid Grant Recipients Spotlight

In this Rapid Grant Recipients Spotlight, we highlight the dedicated teachers at Cherokee County School District who aim to enrich their class resources and students' learning. The educators exemplify the spirit of dedication in their pursuit of enhancing the learning experience for their students. Their creative proposals and commitment to the educational well-being of their schools have earned them a place in the spotlight. 

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Swing, Serve, and Shoot! – Our Fall Classics Are Back!

We are excited to announce that CCEF's fall classics are returning in October! That's right, CCEF will host their annual Golf Classic and Tennis and Pickleball Classic. These two fantastic events play a big part in funding our Rapid Grant and Impact Grant programs here at the Cherokee County Educational Foundation, and we are looking forward to a great day of competition!

  1880 Hits

More 2022 Impact Grant Recipients

JimElde_20220614-142835_1 Jim Elder of Mill Creek Middle School receiving his 2022 Impact Grant

Each year Impact Grants help teachers in Cherokee County by awarding up to $2,500 per classroom for those who are selected. In the past, Impact Grant recipients have been able to fund innovative projects in their classrooms and provide needed supplies for their students. We are very excited to continue highlighting some of the amazing things being done by this year's grant recipients, Angela Topper and Jim Elder

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