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Woodstock High School junior Tucker Jones is the winner of the Cherokee County Educational Foundation’s first-ever T-shirt design contest.

The Foundation invited all Cherokee County School District students in Grades 6-12 to submit a design for the organization’s 2015 T-shirt that represents CCEF and the theme of “For the Love of Education.”

Tucker’s design was chosen by CCEF Board members from the numerous entries received, and on Friday, Nov. 21, he was surprised in his advanced graphic design class with the news of his win.

He received a $100 Visa gift card, a Credit Union of Georgia gift bag and a CCEF 2015 T-shirt featuring his winning design.  His design features CCEF’s apple tree logo inside the outline of an apple with the words “For the Love of Education.”

The CCEF 2015 T-shirts are for sale for $10 from Dec. 1 through Jan. 9 at all CCSD schools.  Anyone interested in ordering a T-shirt may contact the front office of any CCSD school; adult and children’s sizes are available.

The Foundation’s mission is to support the students and staff of CCSD by promoting teaching and learning and celebrating achievements.  The Foundation seeks funding and resources to help CCSD schools in areas not fully funded in the regular school program such as grants for schools, teacher and students.

PHOTO: Cherokee County Educational Foundation Board Member Colleen Blackwell and Jason Blakey from Credit Union of Georgia, a CCEF sponsor, present Tucker Jones with his prizes including a 2015 CCEF T-shirt with his winning design.