Recognizing Outstanding CCSD Graduates
Nomination Deadline:
  January 11, 2016
Download Registration Form

The Cherokee County Educational Foundation is dedicated to celebrating the successes of the Cherokee County School District and encouraging community support. The Alumni of the Year Award annually will honor at least one CCSD high school alumnus and one alumna each year for outstanding professional and civic contributions. The Awards will be presented at the CCEF “Celebration of Education” Gala on March 12; honorees will be notified in advance, and each honoree plus one guest will be guests of CCEF at the event.

Nominees must meet the following criteria:

To make a nomination:Please complete the attached Nomination Form and enclose a resume for the Nominee. Supplementary records (news clippings, letters of recommendation) also may be included, but not to exceed 10 pages. Nominations must be post marked by January 11, 2016.

Email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Mail to: CCEF, Attn: Alumni of the Year Award, P.O. Box 4754, Canton, Ga. 30114. Questions? Email or call (770) 704-4213.

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